Hi Folks,
The Quarterly Membership Meeting included a slide presentation and some background info and announcements.
Here are the slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzUAWkHMGJRDOUdWb1p1TjBpWGs/view?usp=sharing
Yes! Magazine is a good source of stories about people making a difference in their communities. The Fall 2017 issue (http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/just-transition) includes an article entitled Do-It-Yourself Reparations that says this about Naomi Klein:
In the end she reaches the conclusion that “the most pressing task” must be that of “strengthening the threads tying together our various issues and movements.” This, she argues, is “the only way to build a counterpower sufficiently robust to win against the forces protecting the highly profitable but increasingly untenable status quo.”
10/16: The Santa Clara County Democratic Club will host 3 speakers on the topic of Renewable Energies: http://democraticclub-scc.org/
10/17: Gun Safety Ordinance will be voted on at San Jose City Council. See below for details.
10/19: Movie Night by MoveToAmend –“Documentary Excerpts on Corporate Power”: https://www.facebook.com/events/459902197742967/?acontext=%7B%22source%22%3A5%2C%22page_id_source%22%3A575647992529096%2C%22action_history%22%3A[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22main_list%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%22%7B%5C%22page_id%5C%22%3A575647992529096%2C%5C%22tour_id%5C%22%3Anull%7D%22%7D]%2C%22has_source%22%3Atrue%7D
10/23: California State Bank Forum, 7-8:30pm (no-host dinner at 6), Vegetarian House, 540 E. Santa Clara Street (near 1st St.), San Jose
Gun Control Background
To All Gun Control Group members and friends who are San Jose Residents
An important Gun Safety Ordinance will be voted on at the meeting of the San Jose City Council this Tuesday October 17. This will mandate safe storage of any firearms within a home. — essential to prevent tragic accidents and also theft and proliferation of guns. The draft of the ordinance is attached to this message. Similar ordinances are already in force in San Francisco and Sunnyvale. Councilmembers Raul Peralez (District3) and Chappie Jones (District 1) are taking the lead on this.
It is not guaranteed that this ordinance will pass, and we need as much support, testimony, and resident presence as possible at this meeting, to positively influence the outcome. The meeting is at City Hall. Although it starts at 1:30 pm, this item will be later in the agenda. Contact Safe Cities Coalition to find out how you can help at the meeting.
Members of the Coalition will be outside the chamber doors prior to the start of the 1:30 meeting to distribute T-shirts, signs or stickers to those who are coming in support of the wording we are putting forth. We want the council members and mayor to visually see the number of supporters we have and we hope it is a large turnout. Since the topic is late in the agenda there may be a wait before it comes up and testimonies are called for. On the first floor there is a coffee cart where you can get refreshments and drinks, also tables and comfortable chairs.WHETHER OR NOT YOU ATTEND THE MEETING
A very important action you can take is to send a message in support to Councilmembers Peralez and Jones. You can reach them at:Councilmember Charles “Chappie” Jones, District 1: email his office at district1@sanjoseca.gov or phone (408) 535-4901.
Councilmember Raul Peralez, District 3: district3@sanjoseca.gov and phone (408) 535-4903.
Councilmembers Peralez and Jones are moving Alternative #2 of the Ordinance:
Requiring the firearm to be locked in a container or disabled with a trigger lock except when carried by or under the immediate control of the owner, as required in Sunnyvale and Los Angeles.
There are other, weaker alternatives under discussion. Such as only locked when owner leaves the house — we all know of the dangers to children of unsecured guns! Be sure to let these councilmembers (or others that you contact) know that you support Alternative #1!
Please do contact me richsimmons@gmail.com or Safe Cities Coalition if you want further info. Pass this on to your friends who are SJ residents. And … Thanks!!