
Why we exist

We need a fundamental shift from a PROFIT-focused society and economy to a PEOPLE-focused one where politicians and policies aim to serve people, not corporations. SBPA works to elect such candidates and enact progressive policies, and to bring independent politics to our cities and communities. We invite you to join us and become a part of this societal shift.

We are the people we've been waiting for! Someone who can speak up against the social injustice in our communities. Someone who will put a stop to back-room deals and undue corporate influence in our city halls. Someone who will champion those least represented and most affected by unjust policies. Someone who demands from our local government, what we deserve. That's all of us.

Who we are

The SBPA seeks to develop an inclusive and diverse new leadership. We will build the power needed to level the playing field for all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, class, age, status, history, opportunities, and physical abilities. We prioritize leadership development, recruitment and support of candidates for office among the same under-represented groups who are aligned with our core values.

We incorporate in our organization and activities, ‘Universal Design’, the practice of building an environment usable to the greatest extent possible by EVERYONE. Because together, we thrive. Add your vote and your voice to ours.


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SBPA Steering Committee

The SBPA Steering Committee makes decisions on the organization's actions, collaborations, and endorsements, to primarily guide and steer SBPA on high level issues and strategies. This guidance creates our platform of ISSUES and informs the work of our Action Teams.

The current SBPA Steering Committee was elected prior to launch by the founding organizers. SBPA Members will vote to elect our new slate of Steering Committee nominees in the January 2018 Membership meeting.

Current SBPA Steering Committee members are:

  • Co-coordinators - Rob Means & [vacant]
  • Communications Chair - Jeff Levin
  • Membership Chair - Peggy Elwell
  • Finance Chair and Treasurer - Harry Adams
  • Recording Secretary - Rob Means
  • Elections Action Team -  Richard Hobbs
  • Education Action Team - Nick Cortez
  • At-large members - Brenda Zendejas, Omar Vasquez, Krista Henneman, Rosie Zepeda, Carmen Brammer, Elizabeth Barcelos, Sara Abdelhamid
  • Allied organizations - California Nurses Association (Malinda Markowitz), NAACP of San Jose (Derek Grasty), Affordable Housing Network (Sandy Perry), 350 Silicon Valley (Brian Haberly), Silicon Valley Democratic Socialists of America (Jessica Matthew).

Our Contact

Info [at] SouthBayPA [dot] org
Phone 408-372-2901
76 S 16th St, San Jose, CA 95112
Facebook & Twitter @SouthBayPA

The South Bay Progressive Alliance is an unincorporated not-for-profit association registered in the State of California and Santa Clara County.

"Individually, we are but one drop, together, we are an ocean" - Rumi

SBPA Action Teams

Action Teams are the basic unit of research and action around specific issues in SBPA. Our members can propose new Action Team and present it to other members and the Steering Committee for recognition.

SBPA Bylaws

View the SBPA Bylaws here.